C64 Oxyron Logo by Oys

Welcome to the 65xx resources

Here you will find detailed information about some processors of the 65xx series. Especially the 6502 document provides a deep look into the internal behaviour of the processor. Also you will find an illegal opcode list which has been validated for being 100% several times now. The other documents only extend the 6502 document with additional information. They do not completely describe all opcodes.

Last change on 01/09/2012

This project is no longer maintained

This project is no longer maintained and has been taken over from the old oxyron.de website without any changes. The content was created by Graham, who is no longer available for questions or support.

However, as this is a very popular section and is used by many coders, you can still find the content on our website.

(c)opyright 1999 – 2024 by Oxyron